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Krakow 2017


The 18th joint meeting of the EIONET and UN/ECE Task Force on Emissions Inventories and Projections.

The meeting was held from Wednesday 10th to Friday 12th May 2017 and was kindly hosted by the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. We also thank our sponsors the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Municipality of Krakow.


The conclusions from the meeting provide a summary of key discussions and actions - Download


TFEIP/EIONET: Uncertainties and QA/QC Workshop

(10th May, 09:30 - 17:30) - Thank you to all who participated in the useful discussions had during this session. Please find all the presentations below:


  • Introduction and challenges to uncertainties and QA/QC - Download

  • Verifying the German emission inventory uncertainties - Download

  • Uncertainty evaluation in regional air quality management - Download


  • Recent improvements to UK inventory QA/QC procedures - Download

  • Stage 1 and 2 checks of AQ inventories (see Stage 1 checks at CEIP website) - Download

  • What can we learn from GHG QA/QC? - Download



TFEIP/EIONET: Introduction Session

(11th May, 09:30 - 12:30) - Thank you to all who participated and presented. Presentations are available below:

  • 'Reflections on 25 years of TFEIP'- Chris Dore - TFEIP Co-Chair - Download

  • 'Reflections on 25 years of TFEIP'- Jozef Pacyna - Download

  • Activities and developments under CLRTAP - Download

  • TFEIP Contributions to EMEP Executive Body and Steering Body - Download

  • Activities of the European Commission and the NECD - Download

  • Aligning reviews under NECD and CLRTAP - Download

  • Reporting of CLRTAP and NECD inventories 2017 - Download

  • EMEP EEA Guidebook updates - Download



TFEIP/EIONET: Projections Expert Panel

(11th May, 13:30 - 17:30) - Thank you to all who participated and presented. Presentations are available below:

  • Implementation of initial national air pollution control programmes - Download

  • French national air pollution reduction plan - Download

  • Netherlands' 2015 inventory and projections - Download



TFEIP/EIONET: Expert Panels

(11th May, 13:30 - 17:30) - Thank you to all who participated and presented. Presentations are available on the dedicated Expert Panel pages found here.




(12th May, 09:30 - 12:30) - Thank you to all who participated in this session. You can find the presentations below:

  • Road transport emissions - looking back at 'dieselgate' - Download

  • NOx and CO2 LDV emissions part 1 - Download and part 2 - Download

  • Progress in estimating PM emissions in the UK - Download

  • National emissions inventory, Republic of Turkey - Download

  • New POP emission factors from waste combustion and cremation - Download

  • Horizon 2020: ClairCity - Download

  • Filterable/condensable PM paper by TFMM - Download

  • National emissions inventory, Belarus - Download




(12th May, 13:30 - 17:30) - Thank you to all who presented as part of this session. Presentations can be found below: 

  • Update of EEA and Eionet activities - Download

  • Reporting of Member States under the new NEC Directive - Download

  • New EEA online tools and data services - Download



TFEIP/EIONET: Conclusions and Discussion Points

(12th May, 13:30 - 17:30) - Thanks to all who participated in the discussion as we wrapped up this year's meeting.

  • Technical corrections paper - Download

  • Streamlining review process of CLRTAP and NECD reviews - Download



Meeting Papers 

  • Review of Emission Inventories under the CLRTAP and the NECD - Download

  • Technical Revisions during CLRTAP Emissions Inventory Review - Download

  • WGSR Policy Response to Assessment Report - Download


Draft Guidebook chapter 1A4 (small combustion) updates will be discussed during the Combustion & Industry expert panel session. 

1A3bi-iv road transport 2017

Summary of road transport Guidebook changes

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