Guidance and Resources
Various resources and guidance documents are available to assist national emission inventory compilers with development, improvement and reporting of national emission inventories.
Questions concerning the reporting of official data by countries to the LRTAP Convention should be addressed to CEIP. Specific queries concerning emission inventory techniques and methods may be sent to the leaders of the TFEIP or the co-chairs of the relevant expert panels (see Contacts page).
EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook
The EMEP/EEA Guidebook provides methodological guidance on estimating emissions from both anthropogenic and natural emission sources.
Revised Guidelines for Reporting Emissions and Projections Data under the LRTAP Convention
At its thirty-second session, the Executive Body for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution adopted guidelines for reporting emissions and projections data under the Convention (ECE/EB.AIR/122/Add.1, decisions 2013/3 and 2013/4).
The document is a revised version of the Guidelines for Reporting Emission data under the Convention ( ECE/EB.AIR/125), which were adopted by the Executive Body in 2013, for application in 2022 and subsequent years. We invite members of the Force on Emission Inventories and Projections to provide any comments on the revised guidelines by the 27th May 2022. Please send comments or annotated versions of the document directly to the TFEIP Co-Chairs or Secretariat.
General Guidance on Estimating and Reporting Air Pollutant Emissions
New Guidance on Estimating and Reporting Air Pollutant Emissions has been published, following the European Commissions project on "Capacity building for Member States regarding the development of national emission inventories”. This document is intended to provide guidance, supplementary to that currently included within the EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook (“EMEP/EEA Guidebook”), developed as part of capacity building tasks undertaken with selected Member States during the course of the project.
Guidelines for Reporting Emissions and Projections Data under the LRTAP Convention
The 2014 Emission Reporting Guidelines (ECE/EB.AIR.125), available in English, French or Russian, provide Parties with the formal requirements for the reporting of emissions inventory and projections data under the LRTAP Convention. The Guidelines, together with the additional annexes, are available on the 'Reporting Instructions' webpage of CEIP.
UNECE LRTAP Reporting Templates and the Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) format
Countries must report emission data under the LRTAP Convention using an official reporting template. The latest versions of the reporting templates are included as Annexes to the 2014 Emission Reporting Guidelines.
Annex I of the reporting template provides the official list of NFR source codes used for reporting air pollutant emissions data.
EU Member States are requested to also use this template when reporting emissions and projections data under the EU's National Emission Ceilings Directive.
Methods and procedures for the technical review of air pollutants emission inventories reported under the LRTAP Convention
This document (ECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2007/16 - available in English, French or Russian defines the mandate and scope of the annual emission inventory review process conducted annually by CEIP and EEA. The joint review evaluates various quality aspects of the data reported by parties under CLRTAP and under the National Emission reduction Commitment Directive (2016/2284/EU) for EU Member States.
Air Pollutant Emission Factor Library
The Air Pollutant Emission Factor Library is a collection of information from various sources such as international organizations' guidebooks, databases, national inventory reports (IIRs), studies, research and data from the literature. You are free to use the information and also invited to enrich the contents with new data. At the moment short interruptions in the service may be caused by the ongoing work of uploading new data. All feedback is warmly welcome through the link on the page.
Description of the role of TFEIP's expert panels
The mandate and roles of the TFEIP's expert panels is described in this informal document.