Welcome to the website of the Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections, a group established under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution.
The website contains information about the Task Force, including conclusions and presentations from past meetings and links to related websites, including those of various bodies established under the Convention, the EMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook, CEIP (the EMEP Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections), the European Environment Agency (EEA), and the European Commission.
The main role of TFEIP is to support Parties in the reporting of air pollutant emissions and projections data to the Convention. This includes having responsibility for the development and technical content of the EMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook used for the estimation and reporting of national emissions.
The TFEIP also provides a technical forum and expert network to harmonise emission factors, establish methodologies for the evaluation of emission data and projections and identify problems related to emissions reporting. A further important aspect of its work is to support Parties in implementing the reporting requirements of the Convention's emission reporting guidelines (see Guidance & Resources). The Task Force is focusing its work in the coming years on data quality and inventory review.
TFEIP presently has five expert panels that cover different priority areas. These panels are ad-hoc groups that provide a focal point for activities related to specific technical areas and also serve to encourage the exchange of information between experts. The current expert panels include three sector panels on combustion and industry, agriculture and nature, transport, and waste together with a cross-cutting projections panel.
The Task Force is presently co-chaired by Chris Dore (United Kingdom), Daniel Montalvo (European Environment Agency) and Kristina Saarinen (Finland).
We publish annual Newsletters focusing on summarising recent international activities in the emissions inventory technical area and legislation, and highlighting Guidebook updates.
All enquiries about this website should be directed to Annie Thornton.
All data and personal information used by the TFEIP is in accordance with data protection regulation 'Regulation (EU) 2018/1725'. For more information please see here.