Expert Panel on Transport
The Expert Panel on Transport is part of the Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections (TFEIP), which operates under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). In this site you will find information and news on Transport issues. This web site was created in the hope to provide a easily accessible web-forum in order to take ahead the activities of transport emission inventories, both by promoting new research, where such is needed, as well as by putting together experts and promoting the exchange of views and information. We, as Chairs of the TFEIP Expert Panel, only hope to mediate this process, but the real work, is up to you the Experts. With this we invite you to use our contacts in order to make suggestions and proposals both for the website, as well as the content of the work of the Panel. If you want to contact us, please go to the Contact page.
Expert Panel Contacts
Leonidas Ntziachristos (Co-chair, focus on Road and Non-Road Transport)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki, Greece
tel: +30 2310996031
fax: +30 2310996019
email: leon@auth.gr
Georgios Fontaras (Co-chair, focus on Regulatory Issues)
European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Ispra, Italy
tel: +39 0332789732
fax: +39 0332786627
email: Georgios.FONTARAS@ec.europa.eu
Riccardo De Lauretis (Co-chair, focus on Maritime transport and Aviation)
National Environmental Protection Agency (APAT)
Rome, Italy
tel: +39 0650072543
fax +39 0650072657
email: riccardo.delauretis@isprambiente.it
Expert Panel Documents
Work programme
The activities of the Transport Panel are discussed and decided yearly during the winter Meeting of the TFEIP. Following the meeting a new work programme is put together for the following year. This work programme has to take into account the relevant activities which go on funded by the EEA, the JRC and other national bodies or research organizations, since no special funding is available within the panel.
For more info, see the following work programmes:
Data on emission inventory projections, including activity are available from the LIFE+ project EC4MACS. Click in "key data" on the left column menu.
Updated information on NRMM compiled by the Danish Inventory team (Morten Winther). The information contains updated Tier 1 and 2 emission factors and detailed Tier 3 emission factors originating from the German Tremod model. This information is provided for consideration and review by the national experts.
Note on updated method: Word Document
Spreadsheet with Tier 3 emission factors: Excel File
Updates to the COPERT model and methodology can be found at the Emisia website, clicking on Copert, under the section "Versions".
Updates to the HBEFA model and methodology can be found at the HBEFA website.
Updates on emission factors and other ERMES activities are available at the ERMES website. Please see the work-programme for the list of activities and the progress reports of new updates.
Expert Panel Meetings
2017 Meeting held in Krakow, Poland 11 May 2017
Agenda with presentations
Yvonne Pang (Ricardo) - UK Shipping Inventorying Improvements
Robin Deransy/Mark Whiteley (Eurococntrol) - Updates on Aviation Chapter
Leon Ntziachristos (ETC) - COPERT 5 Status and new Road Transport AEIG Chapter
2016 Meeting held in Zagreb, Croatia 17 May 2016
Agenda with presentations
Carlo Trozzi (Techne) - Inventorying Italian ports
Robin Deransy/Mark Whiteley (Eurococntrol) - Aviation
Marilena Muntean (JRC) - EDGAR Gridding road transport
Leon Ntziachristos (ETC) - COPERT 5 Methodology
Leon Ntziachristos (ETC) - COPERT 5 Software
2016/17 Workplan and reporting to Plenary
2015 Meeting held in Milan, Italy 11 May 2015
Agenda with presentations
Progress report from last year
Robin Deransy/Mark Whiteley (Eurococntrol) - Latest work on aviation emissions
Stefano Malfettani (JRC) - Eco-innovations
Chris Dore (Aether) - Status of the GB update
Leon Ntziachristos (LAT) - COPERT 5
Leon Ntziachristos (LAT) - 2015/16 Workplan
2015 Meeting held in Milan, Italy 11 May 2015
Agenda with presentations
Progress report from last year
Robin Deransy/Mark Whiteley (Eurococntrol) - Latest work on aviation emissions
Stefano Malfettani (JRC) - Eco-innovations
Chris Dore (Aether) - Status of the GB update
Leon Ntziachristos (LAT) - COPERT 5
Leon Ntziachristos (LAT) - 2015/16 Workplan
Expert Panel Links
Relevant Conferences
Transport and Air Pollution conference
Transport Research Arena
ITS European Congress
Useful links
CLRTAP - Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
EMEP/EEA Guidebook
EEA Air Quality
EEA TERM transport indicators
TFEIP Emission Factors Database (Password needed)
Expert panel trasporti stradali (in Italian)
ERMES Group - European Research on Mobile Emission Sources
HBEFA Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport
COST-Action 346
Particulates project
Artemis project
US-EPA Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emission Factors