Dessau 2024

TFEIP 2024 Meeting
The 2024 TFEIP Meeting took place in Dessau, Germany at the Umweltbundesamt headquarters across 14th - 16th May.
Please contact us at if you have any queries.
Meeting Minutes
Download the meeting minutes here
Agenda and presentations
Download a copy of the agenda here
Tuesday 14th May
9:30 - 10:00 Arrival and registration
10:00 - 12:00 International News
10:00 - 10:10 Welcome from Germany
10:10 - 10:15 Welcome from the TFEIP Co-Chairs
10:15 - 10:25 Update on the review of the NECD (Bettina Kretschmer, European Commission) - Download
10:25 - 10:45 Update on plans for the Gothenburg Protocol revision (John Salter, WGSR vice chair) - Download
10:45 - 11:10 Expected changes in PRTR reporting (Daniel Montalvo, EEA) - Download
11:10 - 11:25 Methodology Report on SLCFs and IPCC activities (Pavel Shermanau, IPCC) - Download
11:25 - 11:40 Update on the Task Force for International Cooperation on Air Pollution (John Salter, TFICAP co-chair) - Download
11:40 - 12:00 Climate and Clean Air Coalition (Scarlett Quinn-Savory, CCAC) - Download
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 17:15 Combustion and Industry, Agriculture and Transport expert panel sessions (these ran in parallel)
Combustion and Industry
Mixed C & I aspects (lead by panel leaders): - Download
C & I organizational aspects
Guidebook revision 2023: lessons learned
Requests from the C & I community:
NMVOC emissions from engines
PCB reporting
Heavy metals: introduction of a new method
Emissions from asphalt production (Erik Honig, NL) - Download
Small (residential) combustion
Results of the small combustion survey (Tommi Forsberg, FI) - Download
Discussion about a revision of the small combustion Guidebook chapter (EP leaders and all participants)
EDGAR results on small combustion (Manjola Banja, JRC) - Download
Methodology for estimating atmospheric emissions from residential biomass heating considering technology turnover and real utilization (Alessandro Marongiu, IT) - Download
13:00 - 13:10 Introduction (Nick Hutchings, Aarhus Univ) - Download
13:10 - 13:30 Matters arising from Guidebook update (Nick Hutchings, Aarhus Univ)
13:30 - 13:40 PM emissions from livestock (Nick Hutchings, Aarhus Univ) - Download
13:40 - 14:00 Developments in the JRC AgrEE emission tool (Manjola Banja, JRC) - Download
14:00 - 14:15 Updating the Ammonia Guidance Document (Barbara Amon, ATB) - Download
14:15 - 14:35 Report from Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen (Barbara Amon, ATB) - (see above presentation)
14:35 - 14:50 Quality criteria for urease inhibitors (Bernard Hyde, Ireland EPA) - Download
14:50 - 15:05 Increased focus on NOx emissions (Nick Hutchings, Aarhus Univ) - Download
15:05 - 15:35 Coffee
The second part of the session will focus on regionally differentiated Tier 2 methodologies:
15:35 - 15:45 Introduction (Nick Hutchings, Aarhus Univ)
15:45 - 16:00 Tier 3 methods for ammonia emission from fertilizers (Nick Hutchings, Aarhus Univ) - Download
16:00 - 16:15 Tier 3 methods for ammonia emission from filed-applied slurry (Sasha Hafner, Aarhus Univ) - Download
16:15 - 16:45 Discussion
16:45 - 16:50 Summing up (Nick Hutchings, Aarhus Univ)
Presentations included:
Emissions in harbours and impact on air quality in urban areas (ISPRA) - Download
Non-exhaust PM emissions from vehicles (Simone Casadei, Innovhub)
Updates on road transport chapter and COPERT (Traianos Karageorgiou, Emisia) - Download
Legislation Euro 7 to mitigate brake and tyre wear emissions (Barouch Giechaskiel, EU Commission) - Download
Comparison of road transport models and remote sensing data (Rebecca Rose, Ricardo) - Download
Wednesday 15th May
9:00 - 12:00 TFEIP and CEIP work updates and discussion sessions
9:00 - 10:00 Update from CEIP and discussion on inventory reviews (Sabine Schindlbacher, CEIP) - Download
10:00 - 12:00 TFEIP workplan and discussion sessions (TFEIP co-chairs) - Download
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 15:00 International Collaboration
13:00 - 13:40 US EPA presentation (Kayla McCauley, US EPA) - Download
13:40 - 14:10 EEA products and policy support (EEA) - Download
14:10 - 14:30 Discussion on future priorities for the waste sector (Céline Gueguen) - Download
14:30 - 15:00 World Bank presentation (Vasil Borislavov Zlatev, World Bank) - Download
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 17: 30 Projections expert panel
15:30 - 15:40 Opening of sessions (Melanie Hobson and Nadine Allemand) - Download
15.40 - 16:10 Presentation from IIASA on their work for the Convention and EU on Baseline emission projections used in GAINS (Zig Klimont) - Download
16:10 - 16:40 France's AP and GHG emission projections methodology (Samuel Laval, French Ministry for an Ecological Transition) - Download
16:40 - 17:00 Shipping scenarios during COVID and the impact of the subsequent Tiers of Marpol Annex VI, foreseen and hypothesized, in the Mediterranean area (Carlo Trozzi) - Download
17:00 - 17:20 Lessons learnt and recommendations from the NECD emission projections review (Chris Dore, Aether) - Download
17:20 - 17:30 Discussion on updates required to the Projections Chapter in the EMEP / EEA Guidebook
Thursday 16th May
9:00 - 9:45 User Engagement (Jeroen Kuenen) - Download
9:45 - 10:20 Satellite date
9:45 - 10:05 SEEDS (Sentinel EO-based Emission and Deposition Service) project (Leonor Tarrason, NILU) - Download
10:05 - 10:20 Discussion (lead by Jeroen Kuenen) - Download
10:20 - 11:30 New Science
10:20 - 10:40 HTAPv3 Global Emissions Mosaic (Monica Crippa, JRC) - Download
10:40 - 11:10 Coffee break
11:10 - 11:30 The use of inverse modelling for emission reporting verification (Daniel Montalvo, EEA) - Download
11:30 - 11:50 Emissions from Commercial Cooking (Tim Murrells, Ricardo) - Download
12:00 - 13:00 Decisions and close
A limited number of rooms have been reserved for TFEIP meeting attendees at the Radisson Blu Fürst Leopold Hotel in Dessau. These rooms can be booked by email: or phone 0049 3402515 0 with the key word UBA240513. The price for a single room is 99€/night including breakfast and the hotel is a few minutes away from the venue (as well as the train station). These rooms will be held until April 4th and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
TFEIP attendees can use the discount code “CBUND” for the Dormero hotel when booking on their website ( Prices are 72,50€ for a single room and 85,00€ for a double room.
A list of alternative hotels can be found here.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Meeting papers
TFEIP Workplan: We need to support several Air Convention activities that are related to revising the Gothenburg Protocol. In addition, we need to continue with our longer-term development of the science. There are some tasks that the TFEIP Co-Chairs can manage, but several where we will need contributions from the TFEIP community.
Guidebook Update Plan: This paper proposes the timelines of the various tasks that we need to undertake to ensure that we can publish the updated Guidebook in 2027. We will discuss this paper at the TFEIP meeting, but one of the primary aims of this paper is to make the work much more transparent, so that more people are able to make contributions.
Reporting Adjustments in Projections’ Submissions: At our 2023 meeting, we agreed to support this addition to projections reporting. The Convention Secretariat have asked us to provide detailed information on the amendments to guidance documents and templates that would be required to support this revision. This paper presents our proposed response to this request.