Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry
Expert Panel Contacts
Carlo Trozzi
Techne Consulting
Via G. Ricci Curbastro 34
I00149 ROMA
Tel: +39 065580993 / 065580997
Fax: +39 065581848
E-mail: carlo.trozzi@techne-consulting.com
Responsible for:
1.A.1 (energy industries)
1.A.4/5 (small combustion)
1.B (fugitives)
3 (solvents)
6 (waste)
Kristina Jurich
German Environment Agency
Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau
Tel: +49 34020133386
Responsible for:
1.A.2 (industrial combustion)
2 (industrial processes)
3 (solvents)
7 (other)
Expert Panel Documents
Summary of emission relevant Guidebook changes 2023
The Combustion and Industry expert panel co-chairs have prepared a document that explains changes that have been made to emissions factors in the updated EMEP/EEA Guidebook chapters. Download
An updated Combustion & Industry 23/24 workplan is now available - Download
Guidebook improvement list
The above workplan provides the current list of concrete issues that have been identified where the Guidebook needs improvement. Some of these are relatively easy to resolve, while others will be more difficult and requiring additional funding.
If you come across issues that you have found in the Guidebook which are not included in this list, please contact the co-chairs and it will be added. Moreover, we ask you to contribute to shorten this list by picking out some of the issues and improve the Guidebook in these aspects. If you are able to help us with this, please let us know. As said, we very much welcome your contribution!
Guidebook background studies
Please find here some documentation relevant for the Guidebook:
KBP study on aicraft deicing
Information from ESIG solvent emission inventories (2019)
For the estimation of NMVOC emissions from solvent use, activity data have been made available by the European Solvents Industry Group for the EU-27 Member States and for specific years. For guidance on the use of these data, please see the Tier 2a method included in the EMEP EEA Guidebook chapter 2.D.3.a on Domestic Solvent Use. For access to the data, please contact the co-chairs.
During the course of 2019, all data including most recent years will be made available.
Solvent emission inventories (2013)
During the 2013 TFEIP meeting, the solvent industry (ESIG) announced the availability of VOC solvent emission inventories for EU27 Member States. The position paper in which these are described can be downloaded here. The data for individual Member States can be obtained, for instance for clarification and/or comparison to national data, by contacting Jeroen Kuenen, co-chair of the Expert Panel.
Newsletter (December 2010)
As for the TFEIP as a whole, the Combustion & Industry Expert Panel has made its own newsletter to inform the Expert Panel Members about what is going on in the Expert Panel. Along with the distribution of our newsletter, we have started some discussion topics in the forum on this website, aiming to start discussions on improvements we are currently trying to make to the Guidebook. This forum is also an excellent way for all of you to share your thoughts, ideas, issues or problems with the whole TFEIP community. You may for instance post references to methodologies you would like the Expert Panels to review, errors or problems in the Guidebook you came across, or any other topic you think is relevant for us.
Please use this opportunity to get in touch with all your inventory expert colleagues all over Europe!
You can download the newsletter here.
Expert Panel Members List
The existing list of Expert Panel members is used to communicate to the Expert Panels on a regular basis, for news items but also preparing and reporting from meetings as well as the presentation of updated Guidebook chapters. If you are not yet in the mailing list, but would like to have your name added to the list, please send an email to Jeroen Kuenen with your details.
Expert Panel Meetings
2023 Meeting hosted by United Kingdom, 18 April 2023
Agenda with presentations
Introduction, Agenda & News (Carlo Trozzi, Kristina Juhrich) - Download
Guidebook revision 2023 and open issues (Kristina Juhrich) - Download
The fugitive sector in the Guidebook (Christian Boettcher) - Download
Coffee break
New plans for the small combustion chapter (Tommi Forsberg) - Download
Update on changes to the ESIG (European Solvents Industry Group) solvent VOC inventories (Cornelia Tietz) - Download
Domestic Combustion EF measurement programme and model improvements (Ricardo) - Download
Any other business
2021 Meeting hosted by Slovakia remotely, 5 May 2021
Agenda with presentations
Introduction - EP leaders - Download
Fireworks - David Kuntze - Germany - Download
Solvents – how to get away from Tier 1 - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download
Small combustion – follow-up from Tuesday in plenary & possible improvements to the Guidebook - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download
Discussion - All
Updates to the Guidebook, process and timelines - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download
Interactive session: Provide us with your ideas and help us setting priorities! - EP leaders - Download
Short messages
Biodiesel and biogas use in energy industries (1.A.1.a) - Carlo Trozzi - Techne Consulting - Download
Feedback from JRC emission inventory workshop - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download
Updates proposed by CONCAWE to the chapter on distribution of oil products (1.B.2.a.v) - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download
AOB & close - EP leaders
2019 Meeting held in Thessaloniki, Greece 13 May 2019
Agenda with presentations
Agenda and introduction
Guidebook updates and issue around condensables (Jeroen Kuenen)
Germany: new measurements, PCB and condensables (Kristina Juhrich)
Status for ESIG solvent NMVOC inventories (Cornelia Tietz)
Emissions from domestic and service sectors in cities (Carlo Trozzi)
Work plan and wish list for future Guidebook improvements
Apart from the presentations, we have discussed Guidebook updates during this meeting. Background materials for the updates (such as reports underpinning updates) have been included in the "Expert Panel Documents" section.
This section also includes our current list of issues that we have identified where the Guidebook needs improvement. You are invited to review this list and provide your comments or inputs. In particular we welcome contributions that can help to address the issues identified. If you have any questions on this please contact the co-chairs.
2017 Meeting held in Krackow, Poland 11-12 May 2017
Agenda with presentations
Small combustion - Jeroen Kuenen - presentation of updated chapter
Small combustion - Ingrid Mawdsley - new EFs from the Nordic SLCP project
Small combustion - Ardi Link - improvement of EFs in Estonia
Small combustion - Marilena Muntean - gridding tool based on EDGAR
Oil and gas sector - Brian Smithers - updated EFs for HMs from refineries
Work plan for 2017-2018
Feedback to the plenary session (Friday 12th May)
If you have any comments you wish to raise, please contact the co-chairs. Also if you have additions for the work plan, or priority items you think our Expert Panel should consider.